You should begin planning your home school curriculum toward a career as soon as possible - even in grades 1-5.

By being directly involved in your child's education, you can help identify careers that might be appropriate for your child at an early age and expose them to study related to those fields. The earlier that you and your child identify possible careers, the less expensive a process it is to decide. If you wait until college (or even high school) to start identifying potential careers it will cost significnatly more with each year.

Late Elementary or Middle school is a great time to begin narrowing down a major field (i.e. trades, arts, technology, etc.). Then using your late middle-school and early high school to try courses in specific topics. Then your later high school years can allow specialized courses/training preparing for a degree in the field or training needed to jump directly into the workforce after high school.

We encourage you to take a Career Exploration course during middle school or early high school to help narrow the options.

We regularly offer a Career Exploration course specifically for this purpose. Check our Course list to see when the next one will be available.

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