Learn the legal steps required to create a business in our state and other important skills to keep it running well

 You can't just start up a business in most states in the country. You must follow the state laws related to business registrations, ownership and management, and taxes.

But once you legally set-up your business, there are lots of things you need to know to run a business that helps ensure that you don't fail; how to grow the business; and how to do that while still in high school.

Additionally, starting your own business while a student at home can cause tension and conflict in family life if you don't address the issues before they become problems.

This course will walk you through both the legal and practical aspects of starting and running your own business while in high school.


This is a 15-session (one semester) course that is offered in-person in the Twin Cities or online (live) depending on the locations and schedules of those ready to being this course (and start their business).

To get information about joining the next session of this course, click here.